Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 wasn't that great...bring on 2009.

Everyone is asking me if I have a New Year's resolution.

I've only had a resolution 2 or 3 times in my whole life (maybe not even that many). I never keep them, and therefore, no point in making one.

My main concerns for the new coming year are:

-Finishing graduate school. Should be done THIS SUMMER. YAHOO.
-Excelling more at work. I don't feel as though I am doing as much as I should be. This has got to change.
-Trying to improve my relationships. I'm so busy between work, school, family, and Billy that I forget I have friendships. I feel as though many of my friendships have suffered....I can only hope that they all understand that my life has been hectic for the past 2 years and I'm trying to catch up with life in general every day.

Overall, 2008 wasn't too great for me. I don't mean that as a downer, but I just mean that nothing SPECTACULAR happened to me. I just sailed along with work, school, and my extremely limited social life.

Here's to hoping 2009 will have some amazing memories for me to have and here's to doing more in life instead of just sailing through it.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I was saved by an Angel!


On my jolly ride to work yesterday morning, I had a little accident. I left my apartment 20 min earlier than I normally do (it is a 20 min drive for me to get to work on a non-snow day) so I thought I gave my self PLENTY of time to get to work.

I started off on hwy 172 and was surprised by how GOOD the road was! I still was driving with caution, however, because my car isn't the more reliable in this type of weather.

I then merged onto 41 south to venture to DePere when I realized the weather between 172 and 41 was like a different world. The visibility on 41 was HORRIBLE, but the road wasn't too bad....atleast I thought.

About 2-3 minutes after that thought, I noticed a car in the ditch on the right hand side of me... After seeing that, I slowed down even more.

Apparently, that wasn't slow enough. I was going 30 on the hwy and then suddenly lost control of my piece of shit car. I started to fish tail, violently, and the violent swing of the tail put me in a spin. My spin spun me all the way to the ditch.

I was scared out of my f-ing mind. I am very lucky that no other car hit me, considering how long I was spinning on the hwy and I am very very lucky that no other car slammed into my car while it was in the ditch. My car sat in the ditch from 630 am to 10pm because the police put a "hold" on any towing due to the horrible weather.

When my car hit the ditch, I just sat there for a minute in disbelief. I was in complete shock. When I snapped out of my frozen minded state, I called my daddy's cell, but no answer. I called my mummsy and she answered and I just started crying. She was relieved that I was ok, but still worried as to how she was going to pick me up on the dangerous hwy. My dad called me while I was on the line w/ my mom and so I had him come help me because he was more readily available than my mum.

While I was waiting for my pops to come save the day, a cop stopped to check on me as someone had reported my accident. The cop's name was Angel. She put me in her squad car and brought me to safety at a gas station. That is where daddio came and picked me up and brought me to work.

There were 5 other cars that went into the ditch in the area I went in. Obviously, it was a little icy there.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ski Bunny

Billy and I went to Ski Brule this past Friday. It was a nice day :)

Most of the runs were in rough shape because of how cold it was, but we still had a great time. There were 3 runs, which are in my top faves at Ski Brule, that were decent, so we spent a lot of our time on those 3. I took a fall on one of the black diamonds because of how rough that particular slope was. Some snow made it's way up my coat and because of how cold it was outside, the snow was pretty hard. So, it cut my back up a little. But I'm ok. No worries!

I have a lot of finance homework to do today...boo!! BUT, Thursday is almost here and once that day is done, I'll have 3 weeks off from school...Yippie!

I'm not too far off from completing my masters program. Depending on how may classes I want to take at a time, I'll either be done at the end of June, or the end of August!!! :o)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm growing in popular demand...WATCH OUT!

Oooh, gosh, golly, gee! I have TWO readers now! :o)

I guess that means I better get to posting more often.

I had to dig my car out of snow today. The problem is is that my landlord and her little worker-bees are insanely lazy. THEREFORE, they don't usually snow blow until a good week after it has snowed. So, I can expect my guy neighbor dude, that scares me a little, and I will have to dig each other cars out again...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let is SNOW!!

I haven't posted in awhile, but that's because I haven't had much to talk about as of late.

I am currently is a masters level Finance class. Anyone who knows me knows that Accounting and Finance are, by far, my WORST two subjects...ever. Personally, why anyone would voluntarily do that as a career is beyond me. I am just trying to get by right now and get this semester over with. I've been dreading this semester since I got accepted to the program. No joke. I'm very thankful that I have a very laid back professor. He's an accountant by day and a heavy metal band member by night....seriously. The band he belongs to is pretty popular, actually. They are called Midian, but I know I'm spelling that wrong. So don't take my word on it. They play at the Rave a lot as well as all over the country.

I am going skiing on Friday (hopefully) with my BF and we are going to SkiBrule. I haven't been to Brule in a VERY long time. My fondest memory is Erica sliding down my favorite run, Log Jam, on her stomach backwards. I laughed so hard I ALMOST peed my pants...hahahaha.

Ta ta!