Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No time...even for myself.

September came and is now on it's way out. September meant the start up of my graduate school courses again and the start up of my aerobics classes again...all while still working 40 + hrs a week.

I don't mean to bitch...but seriously.
Throwing in the every Monday and Wednesday aerobic class after work leads to some very long days. It's not uncommon for my week schedule to look something like this:
Mon; Work, aerobics, hw, sleep.
Tues; Work, meet w/ group from class, hw, sleep.
Wed; Work, aerobics, hw, sleep.
Thurs; Work, class, sleep.
Fri; Work, working out, hw (yes, even on fridays), and either going out w/ friends or passing out from exhaustion by 830. Don't laugh...that's actually happened.
Sat; running errands I couldn't do during the week.
Sun; laundry and hw.

I love the fact that I am continuing my education and expanding my mind while also still working a full time job. I am very proud of myself...even though the stress level feels almost paralyzing at times.

Now add in my parent's divorce and the internal feeling of guilt because I am so damn busy that I cannot help them cope... and you've got a stress-filled life.

Work wasn't always stressful until I started a new job in August...I am now an assistant supervisor... This has always been my goal since the day I started at my company 2 yrs ago. And it would be going a lot more smoothly if one of the women on my team wouldn't say smart ass comments to me like "Just so you know, pay back is a BITCH!". Well then.

Can you really explain your day in a blog??